Is Solar being Frozen Out?

Solar Generation Creating Revenue Gap There are two basic groups of energy, renewable energy (biomass, geothermal, solar generation, water, and wind power) and nonrenewable (fossil fuels coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear). Three-quarters of the world’s energy is generated by burning fossil

By |March 18, 2016|

Oil Falls From Three Month High

Oil Falls Impact Rig Count As some us awake bleary-eyed with an hour less sleep after the spring forward clock change, we find the markets have not been sleeping at all as oil falls. Oil has fallen from a three

By |March 14, 2016|

Low Natural Gas Prices

Low Natural Gas Prices In recent days, I have commented on the fluctuating price of oil and some of the drivers behind the changes in global supply and demand. The low natural gas prices enjoyed by the US are primarily due to

By |March 8, 2016|

LNG Exports

LNG Exports – Massive Increase Planned What has US Natural Gas, Liquid Natural Gas (LNG Exports), and London have in common? Ninety years ago today, the first successful radio-telephone conversations took place between New York and London thanks to the American

By |March 7, 2016|

Oil Storage Fills

Oil Storage Fills Globally More than twice the usual number of oil tankers languish off the coast of Europe’s largest oil terminal in Rotterdam, as the port struggles to unload into bloated oil storage facilities. It is reported that twice

By |March 2, 2016|

Sustainable Ice

Sustainable Ice The rapid warming of the Arctic is raising questions about whether it has sustainable ice deposits. Rapid melting is causing concern to environmental scientists who believe the Arctic will experience its first ice-free summer as early as the

By |March 1, 2016|
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