Capturis CIC 2017

Capturis CIC 2017 Capturis is a leading utility bill management company with headquarters in Mandan, ND. They held their third annual Customer Information Conference (CIC), where channel partners and utility management professionals come together to share best practices and learn

By |September 1, 2017|

A Fool and his Money

Managing Energy Price Risk A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted – The original proverb can be traced back to an English rhyme by Thomas Tusser in 1573. The actual version being: “A foole & his money, be soone at debate,

By |July 16, 2017|

DataHub360™ – Bringing Energy to Life

We all protect our personal information to prevent I.D. fraud, phishing scams, and cybercrime, but how well is your advisor protecting your companies utility data?

By |July 14, 2017|

Oil Price Steadies Decline

Oil price steadies decline after tumbling to the lowest level since before OPEC reached an output-reduction deal as U.S. shale confounds the producer group’s attempts to prop up prices. Prices are approaching an 8 percent decline this week, bringing the

By |May 5, 2017|

Solar World

Solar World It’s a good question, why are we not in a solar world that is harnessing more of the suns energy, I mean enough sunlight reaches the earth’s surface each minute to satisfy the world’s energy demands for an

By |April 1, 2017|

EEI – National Key Accounts Workshop – Spring 17

EEI NKAW Spring17 is only a few weeks away. The conference will be at the convention center in Phoenix, AZ, from April 9th – 12th. EEI NKAW Spring17 is the first of two events on the Edison Electric Institutes calendar this year

By |March 23, 2017|
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