Frequently Asked

Yes. Vervantis specializes in outsourced, on-demand energy and sustainability solutions. Our experts tailor solutions to meet your requirements and budget precisely, no matter how big or small your need.

Yes. In 2001 the Vervantis leadership pioneered the use of risk management using Value at Risk measurement combined with dynamic energy supply agreements that manage energy price risk more effectively. The solution allows for the fixing (when markets rise) and un-fixing (when markets fall) of energy volumes in a controlled environment. Transactions are made directly with suppliers through physical supply agreements, similar to the ones you already have, but underpinned by a process which is fully compliant with all the accounting regulations like Dodd-Frank, SOX, FAS133 and IAS39.

Yes. Vervantis is fully licensed, bonded and insured in every deregulated, direct access electricity and natural gas market providing energy procurement across global markets in the local language.

Yes. Vervantis is a utility bill management specialist who can automate the collection, validation, and payment of invoices. Our utility specialists manage every part of the process from opening and closing accounts, fatal exception resolutions and detailed reporting. Organizations can utilize our bill pay solution and energy management platform DataHub360™ or we can provide administrative support for your own platform.

Yes. Vervantis models regulated electricity site usage and demand against every rate and tariff available from more than 3,500 utility companies to ensure the best rates are applied. Our efficiency engineers are able to look for energy-saving opportunities and match them to available incentives, shortening any return on investment considerably.
Yes. Vervantis provides leading sustainability software which automates the collection and validation of all CSR metrics. Emission factors are automatically updated at no additional cost in a process which provides financial grade reporting on GHG and over 2,500 business related metrics. Accredited by CDP and verified by SGS, the software provides a fully auditable, single solution to CSR reporting (GRI, CDP, DJSI, NFRD) with built-in supplier and employee surveys that are proven to increase engagement.
Yes. Our utility specialists manage every part of the process from opening and closing accounts, fatal exception resolutions to deposit recovery and detailed reporting. Organizations can utilize our bill management solution or we can provide the administration of your own platform.
Vervantis is an independent US corporation headquartered in Phoenix, AZ. We provide specialist services for large and medium-sized companies across the globe.

Call us at (480)550-9225 to learn more today!

Talk to one of our account managers.

Serving Commercial and Industrial Energy Consumers Across the Globe

Vervantis commercial energy consultants serve multiple countries and geographies providing a single solution for outsourced energy & sustainability expertise for businesses. We manage and centralize utility, CSR and ES&G programs, providing regional support to deliver local language expertise across established and emerging markets.

“Vervantis manages our energy purchasing, billing, account administration, sustainability and everything in-between. The service is incredible, they’re always going beyond our agreement to help”

Winnie Buchanan

Director Facilities – Aaron’s Inc.

“The team at Vervantis got to know our business and found a renewable energy solution that not only met our environmental goals but saved us money and provided covered parking too”

Brian Wedgeworth

Facilities Director –
Mountain Park Health Centers

“We used Vervantis engineers for ASHRAE energy audits of our town buildings. The operational and behavioral inefficiencies identified saved us almost 10% without spending a cent on equipment”

JoAnn Cathcart

Town N. Attleborough

Utility Rates Analyzed

Saving $ Everywhere

Spend Managed $Billion

Cost Assurance

Invoices Processed

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